A Service of Recognition for Retired and Deceased Ministers was held at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA on Saturday 11 September. The service was led by Susy Thomas, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA.

Retired ministers recognised since the 44th Synod included Rev Gordon Scantlebury, Rev Lorraine Stokes, Rev Anne McAndrew and Rev David de Kock.

“We give thanks to God for the many ways you, Gordon, Lorraine, Anne and David have proclaimed the gospel, celebrated the sacraments, exercised pastoral care and equipped the saints to share in God’s mission,” said Susy, Moderator of the Uniting Church WA.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven. So, too, there is a time for movement, new adventure, fields of service not yet touched. With love, we send you forth to continue to love and serve the Lord.”

Rev Dave Robinson passed away just recently, on 3 September 2021. He was recognised for his 65 years as an ordained minister and his passion for pastoral care and advocating for social justice.

A funeral service for Dave will be held on Thursday 23 September, 2.00pm at the Nedlands Yacht Club.

Rev Andrew Syme, General Secretary of the Uniting Church WA, closed the service in prayer.

“Eternal God, we praise you for the joy you have given us through the lives of our departed servants. We thank you for them and for our memories of them.

“We praise you for your goodness and mercy which followed them all the days of their lives, and for their faithfulness to the tasks to which you called them.

“We thank you for the retired ministers, and for Dave.

“The tribulations of this world are over and death is past; to the joy of your perfect kingdom.”

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