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The complete listing for the Membership of Presbytery Committees and other appointments:
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Presbytery Committees
Currently Uniting Church WA recognises five committees:
1. Presbytery Standing Committee (PSC)
PSC has delegated authority to implement the decisions of the Presbytery and to act on its behalf regarding pressing or emergent issues between meetings.
2. Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL)
CEDAL has delegated authority from both the Synod and the Presbytery to foster, encourage and develop all aspects of the educational work of the Presbytery and Synod for faith formation for discipleship and leadership. This is used to both describe the committee and the workers who do work on our behalf.
For more information on courses etc, refer to our Education and Formation section.
3. Candidates for Ministries (CMC) Committee
CMC runs the Period of Discernment process on behalf of the Presbytery. It also has responsibility for overseeing and supporting the training of candidates seeking approval for ordination or commissioning for specified ministries, and presenting them to the Presbytery for approval.
View our Candidates for Ministries web page for more information.
4. Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC)
PRC exercises Presbytery’s responsibilities to guide and oversee Ministry Agents and Congregations.
Visit PRC’s page for further information on responsibilities, membership, meetings dates etc.
5. Thrive Mission Committee
Thrive exercises the Presbytery’s responsibility to encourage congregations to participate more fully in mission.
Visit the Thrive Mission page for detailed information on this committee and their works.
6. Presbytery Property Committee (PPC)
PPC reports to the Presbytery Standing Committee.
Visit the Presbytery Property Committee page for detailed information on this committee and their works.