Archives Centre

Archives Volunteers

The Archives volunteer team researches and identifies materials of significance, prepares them for archiving, and then categorises, collates, digitises and registers the information.

Over the years, volunteers have come from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. Current and former volunteers include retired ordained ministers, librarians, school teachers, a headmaster, an electrician, an economist, lay preachers, secretaries and writers.

Join Us

Do you have a fascination for history? Would you like to improve your knowledge and skills? Or do you just want to be involved in a worthwhile project? If so, volunteering in our Archive Centre could be perfect for you to grow new friendships and make a difference!

A friendship forged through volunteering: Betty and Nancy (volunteers at the Archives Centre) knew each other as young friends in Norseman.

Archives Centre

The Archives Centre receives and collects materials and artefacts associated with the Uniting Church, its agencies, schools and former missions in Western Australia.

Regularly, records and items which are no longer in use are sent in for depositing from church ministers, congregations and other affiliates. Some materials at the Centre are contemporary in nature and others much, much older – dating back from the Church’s origins in the Swan River colony, its existence as separate Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches, Union as the Uniting Church in 1977- right up to the present day.

The diverse range of items coming through the Centre over the years includes birth, marriage and death certificates, church baptismal rolls, wedding registers, parish newsletters, minute books, annual reports, journals, diaries, local church histories, church title deeds, architectural plans, sheet music, vintage Bibles, old handwritten letters, historic photos, and artefacts such as stained-glass windows, vestments and antique communion trays.

Archive treasures: Sheena Hesse, Honorary Archivist, from 2003 to 2021 with a full gilt and steel-engraved, illustrated Bible published in 1891.

Donating items

Do you have documents, photographs, or other historic materials? We value donations! If you are interested in donating historical materials to our Archives Centre, please contact us.


Archives Manager


Phone: (08) 9260 9865

From left: Marissa with Archive Volunteers, Joan, Brian, Julie and Di – celebrating National Volunteers Day!
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