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What is the role of the Presbytery?

In the Uniting Church, the particular purpose of Presbyteries is to exercise:

“… oversight over the congregations within [their] bounds, encouraging them to strengthen one another’s faith, to bear one another’s burdens, and exhorting them to fulfil their high calling in Christ Jesus.”

[Paragraph 15(c) of The Basis of Union (1992 edition)]

The Presbytery of WA is responsible for pastoral oversight. In order to have pastoral oversight, it is important that relationships between members are developed and nurtured. This is done in a number of practical ways, through meetings, regional gatherings, and networks, as well as through our staff employed to work on behalf of the presbytery.

What is Presbytery?

What is Presbytery, and how does ours relate to the Uniting Church in Western Australia? Our booklet and video (the latter produced by our Presbytery Minister (Mission), Rev Rob Douglas), answer these two questions and also introduces “key members” of our Presbytery.

<em>What is Presbytery?</em><br>2023 Video

What is Presbytery?
2023 Video

Presbytery Committees

Please refer to our Committees (Membership and Overview) page for a snapshot of each Committee, and the nomination forms to join.

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