We are dedicated to nurturing, connecting with, encouraging, equipping and learning from young people as they live a life following Jesus. We do this by resourcing and training leaders in congregations, presbyteries and the wider Church and providing a range of ministries and programs led by people who care.

Children and youth are often thought of as the “church of tomorrow” but we believe they are the church of NOW.
Below are some of the children and youth focused activities and empower your child or teenager in their adventure of knowing God.
We believe in the local church and most, if not all, of our activities are centred in local congregations.
Children, Families and Young People Programs and Events
Find A Church will help you find congregations and faith communities with activities for children, families and young people. You can filter your search by selecting features such as Sunday School, Messy Church, Youth Group, Godly Play, Young Adults, Sunday Youth, Playgroup, Jump and Jive, Kids Clubs, Intergenerational, Family Worship, and Sunday Youth
Messy Church
Messy Church is an all ages style of worship involving hands-on creative experiences, a celebration and the sharing of a meal. Kids love it. So do grown-ups. Even teenagers think its cool!
Services with a Young Adult Focus
Friday Night Worship, a contemporary music service at South Perth Uniting Church, every 2nd Friday of the month at 7pm, 2 Sandgate St South Perth.
Friday Night Fellowship, a worship gathering with a social justice focus at Uniting Church in the City – Wesley, every 3rd Friday of the month at 6pm, corner of Hay St and Wellington, Perth.
Safe Church
As a community of faith, we are committed to providing safe environments for all people particularly children, youth and other vulnerable people. Children are gifts from God to be received, welcomed and cared for responsibly and justly. Read more about our Culture of Safety…
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about Intergenerational Ministry please contact:
Julie Ridden
Children, Families, Youth and Young Adult Co-Ordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (08) 9260 9800