Kojonup Uniting Church

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  • Kojonup Uniting Church
We are a supportive congregation that provides good teaching and fellowship to all.
Places of Worship:

Kojonup Uniting Church

9 Spencer Street,

Kojonup WA


Postal Address:
RMB 612, KOJONUP WA 6395
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: [email protected]
Office phone: 0499983280
Upcoming Events:
Service Times:

9.30am – every Sunday

Activities & Groups:

This congregation is a vital part of the Renew Kojonup Op Shop (5 Jones Rd, Kojonup) which is staffed by members of all denominations. Combined Churches also hold several events throughout the year – including World Day of Prayer, Walk with the Cross (Good Friday), prayer breakfasts and Christmas carol services.

A prayer box on our exterior wall encourages the public to ask for prayer. We are a supportive congregation that provides good teaching and fellowship to all.

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