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Training for Leadership in the Congregation

A range of courses is available for leaders in congregations including weekend workshops for church councils, Sacraments training for lay leaders, the Basis of Union and Code of Conduct.

Training for Pastor Candidates

The training for pastors involves ensuring a range of competencies are met.

Core competencies

  • Articulate the key theological foundations of the Basis of Union (BOU)
  • Work within the Uniting Church Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice.

General competencies

These relate to theological, Biblical, and practical skills and understandings. Courses that help pastors to meet these competencies are held, such as:

  • Spiritual formation and spirituality
  • Christology
  • Introduction to Biblical Studies
  • Preaching and UCA worship leadership
  • practical pastoral care and mental health
  • Themes in theology
  • Leadership (church and group)
  • Group leadership skills and dynamics of groups
  • Ethics (code of ethics, theories and social justice)


(Ministry of) Lay Preacher

(Ministry of) Pastor

Annual Courses

The following courses are usually run on an annual basis.

Summer Spirit: a time to refresh, renew and be inspired

Summer Spirit is held annually in late summer as a time when the whole church is invited to listen to stories of renewal and topics of interest to the whole church. Summer Spirit is usually held over a weekend with interstate or international guest speakers. 

In the last three years we have looked at:

  • Our Values as a Church
  • Creative Worship
  • Working Interculturally

Sacraments Training

Where there is no ordained ministry available to a congregation, some lay leaders can be selected by the congregation and complete one day of training and an assessment task so that they may officiate at Sacraments (Holy Communion and Baptisms).

Recognition in this significant ministry is for three years and ongoing training is provided by the Education team.

Safe Church Training

All people in leadership need to engage in Safe Church training and Code of Conduct for Lay Leaders.

In this way, we can strengthen our church in our awareness and care for one another, and most especially for vulnerable people within our midst: whether as children or as older people or with disabilities. For further information contact the Culture of Safety team: cultureofsafety@wa.uca.org.au.

Mission-Shaped Ministry

Mission-Shaped Ministry is a course which trains everyone in ways to revitalise their congregation.

We strongly encourage all congregations and faith communities to undertake this course as a priority within the life of our church.

Training for Congregational Councils and Committees

Bearing the responsibilities of church leadership can often be a difficult task. This is a weekend training to consider some key aspects of leadership in the church, to help leaders carry out the role with greater confidence.

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