July 6 @ 10:00 am – 1:30 pm
A Safe Church Refresher Workshop is taking place on Saturday 6 July from 10.00am to 1.30pm at Merredin Uniting Church, 8 Fifth St, Merredin.
If it has been 3 years since your last Safe Church workshop, all ministers, pastors, church leaders, volunteers, members of congregations and those involved in community services are welcome and urged to attend. Refreshments will be provided.
Cost is $30 per person.
For further information or to register please contact Culture of Safety on 9260 9800 or – cultureofsafety@wa.uca.org.au
RSVP by 3 July.
To find out more about Safe Church training go to – https://unitingchurchwa.org.au/culture-of-safety/safe-church/awareness-training/