Advent 1 – Hope
NorthWay Uniting Church Advent 1 service on Sunday 1 December includes Holy Communion.
NorthWay Uniting Church Advent 1 service on Sunday 1 December includes Holy Communion.
All are welcome to Mandurah Uniting Church for the first Sunday of Advent, 1 December at 9.30am.
Wembley Downs Uniting Church is celebrating! It has been 50 years since the opening of the Wembley Downs Uniting Church building and we are having a service on Sunday 1 December to celebrate. We are excited at the prospect of having input from Rev Geoff Blyth, Rev Neville Watson, Rev Marion McMillin,, and Karen Sloan, ... Read more
All are welcome to the Bay Life Uniting Church Blue Christmas Service on Thursday 5 December, 6pm at Bay Life Uniting Church, 47 Kent Street, Busselton. This will be a reflective service for those for whom Christmas might be a time of sadness and stress.
Come along to Mandurah Uniting Church on Friday 6 December at 5.30pm to enjoy the Christmas story with music, singing and fellowship. A meal will be shared during this event.
Kalamunda Uniting Church, cnr Heath Rd and Brooks St, welcomes you and your friends to their last market day for the year on Saturday 7 December from 9.00am to 12.00pm.
The Mundijong Heritage Uniting Church invites you to the Byford Community Carols on Saturday 7 December, 6.30pm at Briggs Park Reserve, Byford.
NorthWay Uniting Church Advent 2 service on Sunday 8 December includes a children's presentation.
All are welcome to Mandurah Uniting Church for our family service for the second Sunday of Advent, 8 December at 9.30am.
All are welcome to join us at Maylands-Mt Lawley Uniting Church for our Children's Nativity with Carols in the Hall on Sunday 8 December, 10.00am.
Come along to Wagin Uniting Church for Carols in the Courtyard on Sunday 8 December.
Come along on Sunday 8 December from 6.30pm at the Carnarvon Church of Christ for a sausage sizzle, refreshments, listen to the CCC School band, and join in the carol singing.
Join us at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church for our Blue Christmas service on Sunday 8 December at 7.00pm. All are welcome.
Our Annual Community Christmas Memorial Service held in partnership with William Barrett and Sons, Funeral Directors is on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 7.30 pm.
All are welcome to our Family Christmas Carol Evening at Maylands-Mt Lawley Uniting Church on Friday 13 December, 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
Come along to a Messy Christmas Sing-along at Kalamunda Uniting Church on Saturday 14 December, 4.00pm.
All are welcome to the NorthWay Uniting Church Advent 3 service on Sunday 15 December.
Join us at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church for our Children's Service on Sunday 15 December at 9.30am. All are welcome.
All are welcome to Mandurah Uniting Church for our family service for the third Sunday of Advent, 15 December at 9.30am.
Join us for our Celebration of Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday 15 December at 10.00am, Wesley Uniting Church, Perth.
All are welcome to the Bay Life Uniting Church Carol Service on Sunday 15 December, 10.00am at Bay Life Uniting Church, 47 Kent Street, Busselton. Following the service will be a BBQ in the backyard.
You are invited to join us for Starry Church on Sunday 15 December, 2.00pm.
Starry Church is based on the Messy Church concept, and is an alternative family-oriented way to celebrate God’s love, with craft, songs, story, food and fun.
Bring along your friends and family, a picnic and a chair or rug to sit on and enjoy a night of Christmas carols and other fun stuff on Sunday 15 December starting at 5.30pm.