Blue Christmas
Join us at St Peter and Emmaus Church for our Blue Christmas service - a comforting service for those who find Christmas a challenging time.
Join us at St Peter and Emmaus Church for our Blue Christmas service - a comforting service for those who find Christmas a challenging time.
Trinity North Uniting Church will be holding a special Blue Christmas service to honour people who have lost loved ones and are experiencing grief. Saturday 21 December, 4.00pm to 5.00pm at our Greenwood Church Centre, 89 Marlock Dve.
Join us at Glen Forrest Uniting Church, 56 McGlew Rd, Glen Forrest for our Carol Service on Sunday 20 December 2024, 9.00am.
NorthWay Uniting Church Advent 4 service on Sunday 22 December includes a choral presentation.
Join us at Scarborough Uniting Church for a Christmas Service of Readings, Carols and Songs on Sunday 22 December, 9.00am.
All are welcome to Mandurah Uniting Church for our family service for the fourth Sunday of Advent, 22 December at 9.30am.
Come along to Northcliffe Uniting Church on Sunday 22 December for a family friendly Christmas service for the whole community.
Join us at St Andrew's Uniting Church on Sunday 22 December at 11.00am for our Christmas Family Worship Service.
Join us at South Perth Uniting Church on Sunday 22 December for our Christmas carol service at 7.30pm. We will be worshipping God together with Carols and the story of ... Read more
The NorthWay Uniting Church Christmas Eve Community Family Celebration is on Tuesday 24 December starting at 4.00pm.
We would love to have you, your family and your friends join us at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve, 24 December for our Family Christmas Celebration.
Join us at Leeming Uniting Church (Bull Creek Leeming Scout Hall) for our Christmas Eve Family Service on Tuesday 24 December from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.
Come along to the Lighthouse Uniting Church in Geraldton on Christmas Eve for an intergenerational service of praise for the birth of Jesus followed by a bring and share finger food supper.
Celebrate Christmas Eve with Trinity North Uniting Church on Tuesday 24 December at 6.30pm at St Stephen's School, Duncraig.
St Luke's Uniting Church, and the Combined Churches of Carnarvon invites you to a Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday 24 December, 6.30pm held at the outdoor area of the Church of Christ, Carnarvon.
Join us at St Augustine Uniting Church, Bunbury for a relaxed Christmas Eve Service on our front lawn.Begin with a sausage sizzle and we cater for Gluten Free, Dairy Free ... Read more
Join the GKI Perth Uniting Church in Mosman Park for our Christmas Eve service starting at 7.00pm. The service will be in Indonesian, with a translation corner available.
You are invited to Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle to join us for a special evening of carols, candles and cloth for the cradle.
Worship begins at 7pm.
Join us at Kalamunda Uniting Church for our Christmas Eve service on 24 December, 7.00pm.
Join us on Christmas Eve for a Service of Lessons and Carols at 7.00pm, Trinity Uniting Church, Perth.
All are welcome to Mount Pleasant Uniting Church on Christmas Eve, 24 December, for our Service of Carols and Readings at 7.00pm
Come along to Capel Uniting Church on 24 December at 7.00pm for our Christmas Eve service with Christmas carols and readings.
Join us at Noranda Uniting Church on Christmas Eve at 7.00pm for a service of lessons and carols.
Join us at Beth Shalom Uniting Church for our Christmas Eve Service on the 24 December at 7:00pm. All are welcome!
Fantasy or Truth? The two legacies of Christmas. Join us at Nedlands Uniting Church for a Christmas Eve service at 7.30pm with Santa and festive music.
Join us for our Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday 24 December at 11.00pm, Wesley Uniting Church, Perth.
All are welcome to St Martin's Foothills Uniting Church in Forrestfield for our Christmas Day service on Wednesday 25 December at 8.00am.