Induction of Rev Toby Keva
Willetton Uniting Church 16 Herald Ave, Willetton, Western Australia, AustraliaAll are welcome to the Service of Induction of Rev Toby Keva as Minister at Willetton Uniting Church.
All are welcome to the Service of Induction of Rev Toby Keva as Minister at Willetton Uniting Church.
Join us at Summer Spirit 2024 on Friday 9 February and Saturday 10 February - a weekend that unites the vibrant community of the Uniting Church in Western Australia around the compelling theme: "True to Yourselves, True to Your Faith: Navigating Authenticity in a Diverse World."
Join us at Trinity Uniting Church in the City to celebrate Shrove Tuesday from 12.30pm on Tuesday 13 February, 2024.
We invite you to our Trinity Church Ash Wednesday Service, 72 St Georges Terrace, Perth, on Wednesday 14 February, 2024 from 6pm - 6.45pm
All welcome!
Join us for an Ash Wednesday service at Mount Pleasant Uniting Church on Wednesday 14 February at 7.00pm.
The first gathering of the Retired Ministers Fellowship for 2024 will be on Friday 16 February at Scarborough Uniting Church, 121 Northstead St, Scarborough.
The CEDAL Commencement Service will take place on Friday evening, 16 February from 7.00pm at St Peter and Emmaus Church, 56 Green St, Joondanna.
The next Treasure Market at Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church will be held on Saturday 17 February from 9.00am until 12noon at 165 Railway Pde. Mt Lawley.
The CEDAL Commencement Retreat is taking place on Saturday 17 February from 9.00am to 12.30pm at St Peter and Emmaus Church, Joondanna.
All are welcome to the Service of Induction for Rev Ivan Clark as Minister into Trinity North Uniting Church on Saturday 17 February 2024. The service will be at St Stephen's Duncraig starting at 2.00pm.
All are welcome to the next Uniting Generations Network Meeting on Tuesday 20 February, 2.00pm, Maylands/Mt Lawley Uniting Church. For more details contact Julie Ridden at [email protected]
There will be a Safe Church Awareness Workshop taking place on Saturday 24 February from 9.00am to 2.00pm at Hope Methodist Church in Parkwood.
Amplify Conference Hub for Children & Youth Ministry is on Saturday 9 March, 9.00am to 4.00pm at Mt Pleasant Uniting Church.  The cost is $45, which includes morning tea and lunch.
The next meeting of the Presbytery of WA is on Saturday 16 March 2024 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at Noranda Uniting Church.
What came first... Easter or th egg?
Join us at Messy Church on Saturday 16 March from 4.00pm to 6.30pm as we prepare for Easter.
Messy Church is a fun way to worship for families. It's interactive and includes craft, games and a shared meal at the end.
The Commission for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL) are hosting a 'Formation for all' day on Wednesday 20 March from 9.30am to 2.30pm at Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle. The theme is ‘Reviving Ritual: In worship, pastoral care and community’.
Our monthly sing-along is the perfect blend of fun and harmony.
Come and sing your favourite tunes on the third Thursday of every month during 2024, 2.00pm t o 4.00pm.
The Pinjarra Uniting Church are hosting a Chaplaincy Market on Saturday 23 March from 8.00am to 12.00pm to raise money for the local YouthCARE chaplaincy.
Join us at Willetton Uniting Church to celebrate community on Saturday 23 March from 9.30am to 12.00pm. There will be free activities, face painting, animals, a plant sale and refreshments.
The next Regional Gathering of the Great Eastern Region congregations of the Uniting church will be held at the Merredin Uniting Church, Fifth St, Merredin on Saturday 23 March from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
Join us at St Peter & Emmaus Church for our Palm Sunday service on Sunday 24 March at 9.00am.
Join us for a special outside church service, Sunday 24 March at the Geraldton Foreshore on the lawn between the Yacht Club and the Regional Sounds building.
Then stay for a BYO picnic lunch, (lots of take away options near by)
Join us at Willetton Uniting Church for Lent and Holy Week. Our Palm Sunday service starts at 9.15am.
Join us for our Palm Sunday Worship service at Ross Memorial Church starting at 9.30am.
Come and celebrate Easter with the Uniting Church in the City.
Join us for a celebration of Jesus as we remember his entry into Jerusalem at Star Street Uniting Church.
Join us for our Palm Sunday Worship service at Wesley Uniting Church starting at 10.00am.
Our service will feature the Wesley Chamber Choir and Angela Currie (Director of Music/Organist)
Come and celebrate Easter with the Uniting Church in the City.
Join us for our Palm Sunday Worship service at Trinity Church starting at 12.00pm.
Our service will feature a performance of Brahms’ Second Symphony performed by Camerata 1685
conducted by Jangoo Chapkhana
Join us at Trinity Uniting Church for our Holy Week worship service at 6.00pm.
Holy Week services at NorthWay Uniting Church will be held in the Chapel. Monday 25 March will be led by Rev Dr Sonny Rajamoney.