We are meeting to celebrate and thank God for the gift of these beautiful Pets in our lives. It will be a time to allow people to share how these ... Read more
Join us at Pinjarra Uniting Church for our Palm Sunday Service at 8.50am. This service will be led by Neil Illingworth, about Jesus Christ - Our direction, strength and salvation.
All are welcome to NorthWay Uniting Church for our Palm and Passion Sunday service on Sunday 13 April starting at 9.00am. The service will be held in the NorthWay UC Auditorium.
Come and Celebrate Easter with the Uniting Church in the City. All are welcome to join Wesley Uniting Church for their Palm Sunday Worship Service, featuring the Tranby Chorale directed by Angela Currie (Director of Music/Organist). This service will commence at 10.00am.
Join us at NorthWay Uniting Church for our Lenten and Easter Journey. Our Holy Week services will be held in the NorthWay UC Chapel commencing at 7.00pm.
Join us at NorthWay Uniting Church for our Lenten and Easter Journey. Our Holy Week services will be held in the NorthWay UC Chapel commencing at 7.00pm.
Join us at NorthWay Uniting Church for our Lenten and Easter Journey. Our Holy Week services will be held in the NorthWay UC Chapel commencing at 7.00pm.
We invite you to come with a meal to share together as God's family on Maundy Thursday at 6.00pm in our Church Hall. We will also spend time to share the Last Supper together and reflect on what this means for us and our journey with the Lord.
Join us at Pinjarra Uniting Church for our Maundy Thursday Service at 6.30pm. This service will be led by Trevor Thomas, in the Church Hall, and will be followed by supper. The theme of this service is Sharing God's Love.
All are welcome to join Pinjarra Uniting Church for their Good Friday Service at 9.00am. This service will be led by Kerrie Birch, themed 'Ours Were the Sorrows He Carried' ... Read more
The Rockingham Uniting Church invites you to our Easter Dawn Service on Sunday 20th April, 6.00am at the Foreshore at the corner of Fisher Street and opposite Spill the Beans ... Read more
The Uniting Centre for Education and Formation invite you to their next Formation for All Day on Saturday 3 May from 9.30am to 2.30pm at Mount Pleasant Uniting Church. The theme for this day is 'Help! I've been asked to...'