Wills and Bequests

Making a gift through your Will

Photo of a white lilly with three candles burning in background

Making a Will is a time to show your love, support and generosity, in a practical way to the individuals and communities you care about.

A Will ensures your wishes are carried out, and that your estate flows to the people and places that are special and significant to you.

Over the years, many have been helped because generous people gave to the Uniting Church Western Australia through donations and bequests.

We have used that funding to develop new initiatives in ministry and help those in need. So please consider the Uniting Church Western Australia when making your Will.

Let your legacy live on and breathe hope into the lives of many.

Steps to consider

  • Take time to share your thoughts and desires with your loved ones
  • Ask yourself if your Will truly reflects the things that have been important to you during your life
  • Contemplate what is important for your loved ones
  • Make sure your executor has a copy of your Will and tell a close family member or friend of its location
  • Consider making a bequest to a specific congregation/ministry/mission initiative
  • Always seek independent legal advice
  • Ask the Uniting Church Centre to send your solicitor a copy of the guidelines for making a bequest to the Uniting Church Western Australia
  • Note that changes to your Will only require an amendment or codicil

More Information

For more details about the different ways to make a bequest to the Church, have a chat with our Chief Financial Officer at the Uniting Church Centre.

Phone: (08) 9260 9800
Email: [email protected]

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