Disability Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2024-2027 Working Group

Now that the Disability Access and Inclusion Policy has been approved by the 2023 Annual Synod meeting, the Disability Royal Commission Synod Task Group is working on a Disability Access and Inclusion Action Plan (2024-2027) to help implement the Policy in the Church and its schools and agencies.

The Action Plan aims to put into practice the objectives set out in the Policy and hopefully informs how we actively walk alongside people with a disability in the Uniting Church to achieve their hopes, dreams and desires.

In order to develop a relevant and fit for purpose Action Plan we would like to invite those of you who have a lived experience of disability as a member or participant in the Uniting Church and/or have an interest in supporting the development of this Disability Access and Inclusion Action Plan to join our new Working Group.

The working group will meet as required in person or via Zoom and also when new resources or information is being developed we can circulate documents to be worked on via email and complete a lot of the work this way. We hope to have a broad representation to ensure these Action Plan resources will be enriched by different perspectives and knowledge base.

Please contact Cindy Gorton, Executive Officer: Culture of Safety at cindy.gorton@wa.uca.org.au or Amanda Rigby, Executive Administrator at amanda.rigby@wa.uca.org.au or phone the Uniting Church Centre on 9260 9800 to speak to one of us directly.

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