The Council of Churches WA, in partnership with the Uniting Church WA, is in the process of training a group of ministry agents to assist in the recovery of communities following disasters and emergencies within the state. This will be done with the view to form a state-wide network of pastoral carers who can engage with the community and churches beyond the initial emergency into the recovery phase, as these communities establish new beginnings. This network will be known as the WA Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Network (WA DRCN).

Similar networks operate through every state and territory in Australia (currently with the exception of WA and Queensland) and are gathered into a national body known as AVECA (Australian Volunteer Emergency Chaplaincy Alliance). AVECA is a network of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA). It is anticipated that the new WA DRCN will be incorporated in the State Disaster Welfare arrangements and, even in its infancy, already has representation on AVECA.

A three-day training course will take place at Noranda Uniting Church, 79 Camboon Rd Noranda on 2 to 4 April 2019. This training is useful for ministers and chaplains in their everyday work and covers the following units:

  • April 2 and 3 – Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy
    Unit 1 – Introductions; Unit 2 – The Nature of Chaplaincy in Crisis; Unit 3 – The Nature of Disaster and Emerging Issues; Unit 4 – Human Needs and Development; Unit 5 – Overview of Trauma Response; Unit 6 – Skills in Caring for Traumatised People; Unit 7 – The Practise of Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy; Unit 8 – DR Chaplains’ Code of Ethics and Guiding Principles
  • April 4 – Peer Support Training
    This day trains pastoral carers to care for other pastoral carers in disaster, emergency and crisis situations. It is useful in understanding the dynamics for ministers in disaster situations and strategies in caring for and equipping them in the recovery phase.

The three days of training course will accrue 21 hours of Professional Development. Ministers will obtain training points for Continuing Education/Professional Development and Certificates will be issued on completion.

Who may apply?

DRCN chaplains are ministry agents from a range of faith organisations who are ordained or equivalent, or are employed in institutional chaplaincy (hospital, prison, aged care) and who have the support of their denominational or faith body for involvement.

What are the Costs?

No Charge. Morning /afternoon tea and lunch provided. Please Let us know of any special dietary requirements 2 weeks prior the workshop.

How do I apply?

1. Fill out the application form and email it to [email protected]
2. Send the nomination form to your denominational overseer (Presbytery Officer or Bishop) and have them return it to [email protected]

For more information:
Rev David Jackson: email [email protected] or call 0438 144 660
Simone Micke: email [email protected] or call 0423 355 801

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