An Ethical Ministry Workshop facilitated via Zoom will be held on Tuesday 3 December, 1.00 to 3.45pm. We will be conducting the Zoom session from the Ron Wilson room at the Uniting Church Office, 85/89 Edward St Perth, and there is room for about 15 people to attend in person. Recent communication to all those who usually participate in Ethical Ministry Workshops outlined a change in how these will now be delivered.  This face to face Workshop via Zoom provides the in depth, collegial discussion space that we find helpful in understanding ethical practice in ministry. It is offered after completion of the required preparatory reading and reflection work which as you are aware is accessed on-line or if requested through other flexible delivery methods.

You will need to RSVP by Thursday 28th November to Cindy Gorton, Executive Officer: Culture of Safety, on 9260 9800 or [email protected].

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