A Safe Church Awareness Workshop will be held at Maylands-Mt Lawley Uniting Church, 165 Railway Pde, Mt Lawley on Saturday 10 November from 9.30am to 3.00pm. All Ministers, pastors, church leaders, volunteers, members of congregations and those involved in community services are urged to attend. Cost is $20 per person. Morning tea and a light lunch will be provided.

RSVP by Monday 5 November to Cindy Gorton, Safe Church Officer, on 9260 9800 or [email protected].  Click here for more details.

A Safe Church Awareness Workshop will also be held at Bunbury St Augustine Uniting Church, 119 Mangles St, Bunbury on Saturday 17 November from 9.30am to 3.00pm. RSVP by Monday 12 November to Cindy Gorton, Safe Church Officer, on 9260 9800 or [email protected]. Click here for more details.

All ministers, pastors, church leaders, volunteers, members of congregations and those involved in community services are urged to attend.

Cost is $20 per person. Light refreshments will be provided.

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