It was an exciting day on 20 August 2000 in Wannanup. The Uniting Church WA Moderator at the time, Elizabeth Burns, along with the help of a very young Jaren Picking, turned the key on the new South Mandurah Uniting Church front door and led the congregation and visitors into the service for the commissioning of the building.

Fast forward to 2021 and the South Mandurah Uniting Church (SMUC) congregation are getting ready to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the commissioning of our building on the weekend of Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 August, 2021.

We are currently gathering photographs and stories about the SMUC congregation.

Do you have any photos of SMUC events, camps, youth group or services that you can send us? Do you have a funny, sad, or adventurous memory that you would like to share with us? Better still, how about you plan to visit us over the weekend and come and say ‘hello!’

Originally, the South Mandurah congregation met on Sundays in the old Falcon Hall which was located where the Falcon Library now stands. It was realised that with a growing congregation we needed a more permanent home.

In 2000, the empty Threfall Art Gallery building, on Rees Place in Wannanup, was purchased and with the able assistance of local builder Merv Trotter it was fitted out as South Mandurah Uniting Church. Over the years the building has been extended with a storeroom and an enclosed children’s play area. Revamps have included an upgrade to the kitchen, a larger stage, new carpets, steps, handrails and a prayer box.

While the building has been upgraded, there are many aspects at the core of SMUC which remain unchanged, including our faithfulness, wonderful hospitality and friendliness. We look forward to sharing our celebration with everyone who can come on 21 or 22 August. If you can’t attend, please say a prayer acknowledging our gratitude for the past 21 years and the years to come.

For more information contact Kerry Lawson on 0409 885 988 or at [email protected], or Raelyn Punch on 0429 685 908 or at [email protected].

Kerry Lawson

Top image: The gardening team at South Mandurah Uniting Church clearing up around the new church, back in the 2000s.

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