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The Candidates for Ministries Committee has oversight of all those preparing for the ministries of Deacon, Minister of the Word or Lay Preacher.
Candidates for Ministries Committee (CMC)
Our Responsibilities:
- Promotes a sense of call to ministry within the congregations of the Presbytery
- Supports those who are seeking to discover God’s call through a Period of Discernment
- Accepts candidates for the ministry of Lay Preacher, appoints a Mentor to assist in their formation for this ministry, and refers them to CEDAL for the development of their competencies.
- Recommends applicants for one of the ordained ministries to the Synod Selection Panel and, if they are accepted as candidates, provides oversight and pastoral support during their period of formation.
- Recommends to Presbytery when a person is ready for ordination as a Deacon or Minister of the Word, or commissioning as a Lay Preacher. CMC may also terminate candidature if it believes this is necessary.
To find out more about how to become a minister in the Uniting Church go to the Exploring Ministry page.
CMC meets at least four times a year. Current members include:
- Chairperson – Rev Bev Fabb
- Formation and Learning Culture Co-ordinator – Rev Dr Cathie Lambert
- Members elected by Presbytery – Rev Toby Keva, Rev Anne McAndrew, Dr Bob French, Doug Burtenshaw, Shelby Robison
- Two co-opted members – vacant
- Ex-officio Chairperson of Presbytery – Alison Xamon
If you would like to know more about the Candidates for Ministries (CMC) Committee, please email us at: [email protected].