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Presbytery Standing Committee (PSC)
The role of the PSC is to act for the Presbytery between meetings on matters urgent or emergent that require a decision before the next Presbytery meeting. They also provide support, advice and direction to Presbytery Committees and Networks and can initiate the development of policy, goals, strategy and programs for the Presbytery.
The members provide for a balance of age, gender, ethnicity, rural and urban, specialist knowledge and experience, and the need for both lay or ordained to be represented. Current members include:
- Chairperson of Presbytery – Alison Xamon
- Secretary of Presbytery – Rev Reuben Edmonds
- Treasurer of Presbytery – Janine McDonald
- Immediate Past Chairperson – vacant
- Chairperson of Thrive – Rev Greg Ross
- Chairperson of CEDAL – Dr Karen Flowers
- Chairperson of PRC – Sue Strutt
- Chairperson of Presbytery Property Committee – Heather Hamblin
- Moderator – Rev Dr Ian Tozer
- Members elected by Presbytery – Mary Riley, Rev Ivan Clark, Rev Bev Fabb, Litiana Lomalagi
- Co-opted member – Yvonne Robinson
- Non-voting staff member (Presbytery Officer) – Rev Lorraine Stokes
The Presbytery Standing Committee meets mostly on the second Monday of each month at 5.30pm, commencing in February. If you have any matter you would like to bring to the attention of PSC, please email this through to the Secretary of Presbytery at [email protected], by the Thursday prior to the meeting.