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Thrive Mission Committee serves the Uniting Church Presbytery of Western Australia in areas of Strategy, Mission Education and Planning

Thrive Mission Committee serves the Uniting Church Presbytery of Western Australia in areas of Strategy and Mission Education and Planning.
(see Mission Toolkit page)
The role of the Committee is to:
- encourage, support, assist and resource the Presbytery, congregations, faith communities and other church bodies to discern and actively participate in the Mission of God in their community;
- encourage, support, assist and resource the Presbytery, congregations, faith communities and other church bodies to give prayerful consideration and action to the Presbytery’s current strategic directions and the current Presbytery Goals;
- encourage, support, assist and resource congregations, faith communities and other church bodies to implement and operate a congregational community service activity for the benefit of those in need of welfare or supportive services; and
- arrange training programs and provide resources that assist in the achievement of these roles.
The responsibilities of the Committee include:
- sourcing, developing or adapting appropriate training and resources (in collaboration with CEDAL) to enable greater participation by congregations, faith communities and other church bodies in the Mission of God in their communities or locations;
- assisting congregations, faith communities and other Church bodies to develop Mission Plans and providing feedback on those plans;
- keeping informed of trends and developments in mission nationally and internationally mission-focused forums and sharing the insights and information obtained from such participation throughout the Presbytery;
- assisting the Presbytery in the development of short-term and long-term mission-focused strategies and goals and bringing recommendations and proposals to the Presbytery for determination;
- encouraging, supporting, resourcing and assisting congregations, faith communities and other Church bodies to develop and pioneer new models of Church and to regenerate inherited forms of Church life so that they may become intentional intergenerational and intercultural missional communities; and
- working collaboratively with all other Presbytery committees particularly Commission for Education Discipleship and Leadership, Pastoral Relations Committee and Presbytery Standing Committee to ensure knowledge is shared and approved goals are jointly progressed.
Membership of Thrive Mission Committee is currently made up of:
- Chairperson – Rev Greg Ross
- Co-Chairperson – Yvonne Robinson
- Members elected by Presbytery – Rev Stephen van Schalkwyk, Yuko Tonai-Moore, David Gray, Monika Cowell, Rev Coral Coggs-Smith, Rev Sione Lea’aetoa
Meeting Dates in 2024
The Thrive Mission Committee meets every second Thursday, of every second month.
- 24 October (onine)
- 30 November – in person (Southwest)