WA Synod 2024 – Sunday 15 September Highlights

Lay and ordained members elected from our Uniting Church WA congregations and faith communities of the Presbytery of Western Australia, eight schools and colleges and three agencies came together for fellowship, to discern, and to discuss issues of importance in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, Western Australia, and the wider community. The 2024 Synod began with worship on Friday 13 September at Mount Pleasant Uniting Church. They then gathered for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Synod of Western Australia on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2024 at Scotch College in Swanbourne.

Highlights of Synod 2024 – Sunday 15 September

Day three of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Synod of WA began with worship. The service was led by our Moderator Rev Dr Ian Tozer, with Assembly President Rev Charissa Suli giving the Sermon. Holy Communion was shared in our table groupings.

Following morning refreshments, we had the opportunity to hear from our Uniting Church Schools and Agencies. We were delighted to be joined by six students from three of our schools. Uniting Church WA General Secretary, Rev Dr Andrew Williams had a wonderfully engaging Q & A session with the students, who generously and eloquently answered questions around challenges young people are facing today, what hopes they have for their futures, and their insight into what churches could do to help engage and meet the needs of young people today.

People were then invited to join representatives from the Agencies and Schools in table groupings with to learn more about their work. Following this there was some time for groups to feedback to the whole meeting with some learning highlights from these discussions. Andrew Williams then asked some further questions of the school Principals, or representatives, and the agency CEO’s present.

Minutes of Appreciation were then heard by Rev Dr Andrew Williams and John Berger, Executive Officer: Caring Agencies. The Moderator invited us to join together in prayer for the people noted in these Minutes. John Berger then followed with the UnitingCare WA Forum report.

Kane Blackman, CEO of Good Samaritan Enterprises gave a presentation on the work of the Disability Royal Commission Synod Task Group. Robbie Muir, lived experience disability advocate, addressed the Synod, encouraging congregations to set aside a Sunday in November or December to recognise and celebrate people with disabilities. (Worship resources will be available soon.)

After lunch we heard the second Bible Study from Rev Rob Douglas, reflecting on Mark 9:33-39 ‘Who is the Greatest?’ with a further opportunity for discussion in our table groups.

After some final business matters our meeting drew to a close. Rev Dr Andrew Williams thanked staff, volunteers, guest speakers and participants who helped make the weekend happen.

Rev Claire Pickering, Presbytery Minister Pastoral, offered closing devotions to nourish us for our journeys home.

Thanks to Scotch College for hosting us over the weekend!

Article by Wendy Hendry.

Photos by Wendy Hendry and Mahshid Zadeh.

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