Our Strategic Plan

Key Strategic Priorities for the WA Synod and Presbytery

The combined Synod & Presbytery Standing Committees agreed on four strategic priorities for the Uniting Church WA:

  • Strengthening Congregations
  • Identifying and prioritising strategic properties
  • Increasing financial stability
  • Strengthening the Covenant

Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Our strategic framework recognises that we are not simply a collection of single entities, but are a part of something bigger. We must have a clear understanding of ourselves both as individuals and as a collective whole.

By developing a strategy, we have the opportunity to come together and decide what our purpose is as an organisation, the Uniting Church in Western Australia. This structure is meant to be a guiding light that will give us the boundaries and guidelines which allow us to maximise our collective potential, as well as provide us with more insight regarding where we should put our energy and resources as a Church.

Our Strategic Plan contains three mains sections, these are – Five Focus Areas, Seven Core Values, Seven Focus Actions. Below is brief description of each of these sections.

Five Focus Areas

  • Discipleship – to teach and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ
  • Diversity – to embrace and nurture all people and their gifts
  • Sustainability – to safeguard and renew God’s creation with integrity
  • Partnerships – to build and grow healthy interdependent relationships
  • Reconciliation – to seek justice and reconciliation for all

Seven Core Values

  • Love – Love is the most essential Christian value in the Bible.
  • Hope – Hope means to “trust and wait expectantly.”
  • Justice – Justice means “to make right.” 
  • Inclusion – Inclusion embraces diversity and the characteristics that make people distinct from one another.
  • Accountability – Accountability is about being responsible for fulfilling our duties and obligations as well as being willing to justify our actions with honesty and openness.
  • Integrity – As people of integrity, we are uncompromising, transparent and consistent with the moral and ethical values we claim to embrace.
  • Creativity – Through creativity, we imitate the creator God. 

Seven Focus Actions

  • Leading by Example – Leading by example, builds trust and respect, creates authenticity, and provides a picture of what is possible.
  • Inspire Action – Corporate discernment is an integral part of the decision-making process, as it provides clarity and inspiration, it is however equally important that it translates into action.
  • Grow Relationships – Relationships are the cornerstone of human existence as they provide a space in which love is given and received.
  • Form Identity – Identity is formed through a process of exploring options and committing to an option, based on the outcome of the exploration.
  • Be a Prophetic Voice – A prophetic voice is more than insightful advice; it is ultimately to direct people towards God.
  • Develop Resources – Developing resources is ultimately an investment in the capacity of the church to remain sustainable and become more effective in pursuing God’s purpose for the church.
  • Education and Training – Education and training are critical for developing as well as improving knowledge and capabilities, which promote effectiveness and productivity.


Our comprehensive Strategic Planning Framework, and Strategic Plan Summary are available for viewing and downloading:

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