Merredin Uniting Church

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  • Merredin Uniting Church
Living the Gospel to Radiate the Love of Jesus in the Eastern Wheatbelt!
Places of Worship:

Merredin Uniting Church

6 Fifth Street,

Merredin WA


Postal Address:
PO Box 95, MERREDIN WA 6415
Congregation Contact(s):
Chairperson - Steve Higgins : [email protected]
Secretary - Bob French: [email protected]
Chairperson - Steve Higgins: 0473 231 928
Secretary - Bob French: 0428 125 613
Service Times:

May – October  
10.00am – every Sunday

November – April 
9.00 am every Sunday

Worship services are followed by morning tea where members enjoy one another’s fellowship and welcome any visitors. An edited version of our worship service is posted on our Facebook and YouTube channel early in the following week. They are designed so that they can be used as a screened Worship Service in a congregation or home setting.

Other Links:
Merredin Uniting Church Congregation Website
Activities & Groups:

Sunday School
Held during worship service most Sundays.

Church Camps
Held irregularly usually somewhere in the wheatbelt.

Ladies Bible Studies
5.30pm – every Monday, KYB group meets in the church at during school terms.

Friday Morning Group
10.00am – every Friday, meets in the church.

Ladies Coffee Mornings
10.00am – twice a month on Tuesdays. Held in a local café.

Knitting and Crochet Group
1.00pm – every Friday, meets in the church.

Who Let the Blokes Out?
6.30pm – every Wednesday. Alternating location between the church and the Merredin Club. A group for men to share a meal and fellowship.

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