We’re a family of humble believers serving a great God. Whatever your age or background, please know that you’re welcome at Nedlands.
Places of Worship:
Nedlands Uniting Church
237 Princess Road,
Nedlands WA
Postal Address:
237 Princess Road, NEDLANDS WA 6009
Congregation Contact(s):
Office administrator: [email protected]
Chairperson: [email protected]
Office phone: (08) 9386 1770
Service Times:
8:00am – Sunday morning
Quieter, reflective service is held in the Garden Room.
9:30am – Sunday morning
Main service with worship and teaching for all ages. There is a special service for young families with small kids in the Hall. Crèche and Sunday club for school-aged children and youth. Connect with the church family over tea and coffee after the service. ONLINE service link – nedlandsuniting.online.church
5:00pm – Sunday evening
Bilingual service in Chinese with worship and teaching for all ages held second Sunday every month.
Other Links:
Activities & Groups:
Children and Youth Activities
- Playgroup
- Youth group
- ESL children’s groups
- Sunday Club
Discussion Groups
- Young Adult bible study group
- Women’s bible study
- ESL introductory bible study in English
Music Groups
- Choir
Fellowship Groups
- Seniors’ Open House
- Friendship and Craft group
- Rainbow Project Lunches
Prayer Groups
- Thursday prayer meet
- Saturday morning prayer group (in Mandarin)
Nedlands Multicultural Support Group
- This group provides practical, financial and pastoral care, and support for refugees and their families.
West Timor Group
- In partnership with Uniting World, we support students to undertake tertiary studies in theology and other fields that may be economically important, at the Christian University in Kupang (UKAW).
Uniting Aid
- Volunteers from Nedlands Uniting assist at UA every week.
Please check our website for the times, locations and contacts of these groups!