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Uniting Centre for Education and Formation

The Uniting Centre for Education and Formation is dedicated to nurturing faith, discipleship, and leadership in our church communities. We oversee the theological education for the specified ministries within the Uniting Church, including Lay Preacher, Pastor, Deacon, and Minister of the Word, following the guidelines established by the Assembly.

We aim to “be an inclusive and inquisitive community of lifelong learners, open to growing in the way of Christ and serving the mission of God.”

We offer a range of theology courses and accredited study options tailored for:

  • People seeking to deepen their faith and enhance their discipleship.
  • Leaders in local congregations who are called to lead worship, preach, and share their faith.
  • Those feeling a call to leadership in specific forms of ministry.
  • Anyone interested in pursuing a theological education.
  • Ministers looking to advance their skills in ministry.

Previously known as the Perth Theological Hall, the Uniting Centre for Education & Formation (UCEF) was established by the Synod of WA and is officially approved by the Assembly for training in ordained ministries. UCEF collaborates with Uniting Church theological colleges across different Synods and with institutions in Perth to offer relevant and contextual theological education for both candidates and lay leaders pursuing university-level studies.


The Committee for Education for Discipleship and Leadership (CEDAL) is the governance body for UCEF and is the Ministerial Education Board (MEB) for matters relating to specified ministries. CEDAL’s mandate is to foster, encourage and develop all aspects of the educational work of the Presbytery and Synod for faith formation for discipleship and leadership.

Contact Us

For more details about the Uniting Centre for Education & Formation, please contact:

Rev Dr Cathie Lambert
Formation and Learning Culture Co-ordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (08) 9260 9800

Mahshid Zadeh
Administration Assistant UCEF & CEDAL
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (08) 9260 9800

Rev Andy Broadbent
Education & Resources Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (08) 9260 9800

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