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All people recognised as ministry agents, such as Ministers of the Word, Deacons and Pastors, are required to engage in regular continuing education. Ordained Ministers take up to ten days a year, and Pastors 50 hours a year for continuing education.
Continuing Education for Ministry Agents
Professional supervision is mandatory for all ministry agents.
Phase Three
The first three years after ordination is called Phase Three and provides a range of support as the new minister consolidates their ministerial identity and develops new skills. This includes Professional supervision, a Presbytery-appointed mentor, and other meetings and retreats in their ongoing development.
Mentors are Uniting Church ministers with a minimum of three to five years of experience working in the type of context which parallels that of the new minister.
Phase Four
Formation in ministry is a lifelong journey. All ministers and ministry agents are encouraged to continue their discipleship with continuing education. To this end, we advertise various events via our e-magazine SEEDS . Every ministry agent is required to complete training in Safe Church and Ethical Ministry, and undertake regular pastoral supervision.
Supervision is a safe, confidential relationship which provides regular opportunities to reflect on one’s ministry and relationships. It seeks to enhance the quality of ministry by supporting, challenging, encouraging learning and self-knowledge, good use of resources and respect for boundaries. Supervision includes theological reflection as part of the ministry reflection process. It seeks to continue our formation process for hearing and responding to God’s call in ministry in a covenantal relationship with the supervisor.
Ethical Ministry Workshops
Ministers are required to live and work within the discipline of the Uniting Church for continuing status as a minister in good standing. These workshops and reflections are offered up to twice a year by the Uniting Centre for Education and Formation team. Contact –