Formation for All

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Formation is the work of all the people of God. It is not an activity reserved for those training for specified ministries in the Church. Uniting Centre for Education and Formation (UCEF) aims to provide a variety of opportunities for all people to engage in different aspects of formation. Some of these opportunities are outline below, but we encourage you to keep an eye on our events page or subscribe to SEEDS e-news for the most up-to-date information.

Summer Spirit: a time to refresh, renew and be inspired

Summer Spirit is held annually in late summer as a time when the whole church is invited to listen to stories of renewal and topics of interest for communities of faith. Summer Spirit is usually held over a weekend with interstate or international guest speakers.
Some of the topics we have explored are:

  • Our Values as a Church
  • Creative Worship
  • Working Interculturally
  • Living Authentic Christian Lives

Formation For All Days

Our Formation For All Days are held once a quarter. These days are open to all people in the church and cover a wide range of topics. From personal spiritual formation and self-care to practical workshops focussing on worship leading and pastoral care, to recent ideas in biblical studies or theology – there will be something for everyone during each year. Again, keep an eye on the events page or SEEDS for further information.

Core Competency Courses

UCEF also offers a variety of core competency courses designed to equip leaders in the Uniting Church. These courses are compulsory for some specified ministries. These include:

  • Basis of Union
  • Uniting Church Polity and Ethos
  • Code of Ethics and Ministry Practice
  • Introduction to the Sacraments
  • Covenanting and Building Relationships with First Peoples
  • Pastoral Services (Weddings and Funerals)
  • Intercultural Relationships
  • Australian Colonial History and Culture
  • Ethical Ministry

Some of these courses are available to complete self-paced online. Others require attendance either in person or via a video link.
For further information about these courses contact:

Safe Church Training

All people in leadership need to engage in Safe Church training and Mandatory Reporting training. In this way, we can strengthen our church in our awareness and care for one another, and most especially for vulnerable people within our midst: whether as children or as older people or with disabilities. For further information contact the Culture of Safety team:

Other Possibilities

If your congregation or faith community is keen for UCEF to arrange a specific formation or training opportunity in your context we are very open to a conversation. Please contact the Formation and Learning Culture Co-ordinator to arrange a time to meet:

Training for Leadership in the Congregation

A range of courses is available for leaders in congregations including weekend workshops for church councils, Sacraments training for lay leaders, the Basis of Union and Code of Conduct.


(Ministry of) Lay Preacher

(Ministry of) Pastor

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