Easter Messy Church
Kalamunda Uniting Church 7 Heath Road, Kalamunda, Western Australia, AustraliaWhat came first... Easter or th egg?
Join us at Messy Church on Saturday 16 March from 4.00pm to 6.30pm as we prepare for Easter.
What came first... Easter or th egg?
Join us at Messy Church on Saturday 16 March from 4.00pm to 6.30pm as we prepare for Easter.
Messy Church is a fun way to worship for families. It's interactive and includes craft, games and a shared meal at the end.
Join us at Willetton Uniting Church to celebrate community on Saturday 23 March from 9.30am to 12.00pm. There will be free activities, face painting, animals, a plant sale and refreshments.
We are meeting to celebrate and thank God for the gift of these beautiful Pets in our lives. It will be a time to allow people to share how these ... Read more
Join us at Kalamunda Uniting Church for our Easter themed Messy Church at 4.00pm.