Easter at The Billabong – Canning Vale & Piara Waters
The Billabong Uniting Church 40 Liffey Street, Canning Vale, Western Australia, AustraliaEaster Sunday Celebration Service - 10am at The Billabong Community Centre, Canning Vale
Easter Sunday Celebration Service - 10am at The Billabong Community Centre, Canning Vale
Come along to our Easter Sunday Service 31 March, 10.15am at Wagin Uniting Church, Ranford Street, Wagin
Join us at Mt Barker Uniting Church for our Easter Sunday service starting at 11.00am.
Kalamunda Uniting Church, cnr Heath Rd and Brooks St, welcomes you and your friends to their first Market Day of the year on Saturday 6 April from 9.00am to 12.00pm. Morning Teas will be available with delicious scones, cake and sandwiches; and our usual stalls with cakes, crafts, jams, plants and books will be ready to tempt you. Funds raised will be directed to various charities/appeals through the year.
There will be a Safe Church Awareness Workshop taking place on Saturday 13 April from 9.00am to 2.00pm at Lighthouse Uniting Church in Geraldton.
Our monthly sing-along is the perfect blend of fun and harmony.
Come and sing your favourite tunes on the third Thursday of every month during 2024, 2.00pm t o 4.00pm.
Church Council Chairpersons, Treasurers, Agency and Congregation representatives are invited to the Uniting Financial Services and Uniting Church Investment Fund Introduction and Information Session at Optus Stadium on Tuesday 23 April at 5.00pm.
Our Big Garage Sale is being held on Saturday 4 May!
From 8am, come along to Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle and grab a bargain
Kalamunda Uniting Church, cnr Heath Rd and Brooks St, welcomes you and your friends to their next market day on Saturday 4 May from 9.00am to 12.00pm.
There will be a Safe Church Awareness Workshop taking place on Saturday 4 May from 9.00am to 2.00pm at Kingsway Methodist Church, 38/40 Kingsway, Nedlands.
Come to the hands-on floral workshop on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 2:00pm in the church hall at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church.
No experience necessary!
The next Treasure Market at Maylands Mt Lawley Uniting Church will be held on Saturday 11 May from 9.00am until 12noon at 165 Railway Pde. Mt Lawley.
Uniting Church Polity and Ethos Workshop. Saturday 11 May, 9.00am to 1.00pm.
The next Uniting Generations Network gathering is on Tuesday 14 May, 7.00pm at Star Street Uniting Church in Carlisle.
Our monthly sing-along is the perfect blend of fun and harmony.
Come and sing your favourite tunes on the third Thursday of every month during 2024, 2.00pm t o 4.00pm.
The Presbytery of WA is holding a workshop on Being an Intercultural Church, on Saturday 18 May from 10.00am to 12.00pm at Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle.
The International Partnerships & Development Commission invite you to help them raise money for our international partnership project, Lafaek Diak's mobile health clinic in Timor Leste. You can walk, fundraise or simply donate to this great cause!
Sunday 19 May 2024 at Mount Pleasant Uniting Church, from 1.00pm.
A Safe Church Refresher Workshop is taking place on Saturday 25 May from 9.00am to 12.30pm at Star Street Uniting Church, Carlisle.
Kalamunda Uniting Church, cnr Heath Rd and Brooks St, welcomes you and your friends to their next market day on Saturday 1 June from 9.00am to 12.00pm.
NorthWay Uniting Church invite you to put on your Tartan for a Family Scottish Night. Friday 7 June from 6.30 p.m. Live music from Heel n Toe Ceilidh Band. BYO snacks & drinks. There will be a raffle. Admission $15.
The next Formation for All workshop will be on Saturday, 8 June 2024 from 9:30am to 3:00pm at Leeming Uniting Church, 66 Farrington Road, Leeming, and online. The theme is “Towards a Culture of Discipleship Making” which will be presented by Rob Douglas, Presbytery Minister: Mission.
A Safe Church Refresher Workshop is taking place on Saturday 8 June from 10.00am to 1.30pm at Northcliffe Uniting Church, 44 Zamia St, Northcliffe.
The 19th Annual Meeting of the Presbytery of WA will be on Saturday 15 June from 9.00am to 4.00pm. The meeting will be held at All Saints Floreat Uniting Church, 50 Berkeley Crescent, Floreat.
Messy Church - Community Serving Together. Join Messy Church for an evening of fun, information, celebration and a great meal together. Saturday 15 June, 4.00pm to 6.30pm at Kalamunda Uniting Church, Heath Rd, Kalamunda.
On Sunday 16 June 2024 at 10.45am the Willetton Uniting Church, Herald Ave, Willetton, is putting on their popular once-a-year showcase of youthful talent. Six advanced piano students aged from 7- 18 will deliver a programme of classical works. These virtuoso-standard kids will blow your socks off with their mastery of the Yamaha.
Our monthly sing-along is the perfect blend of fun and harmony.
Come and sing your favourite tunes on the third Thursday of every month during 2024, 2.00pm t o 4.00pm.
There will be a retreat day, 'Sorrows and Sunflowers' led by Rev Janelle Macgregor on Saturday 29 June from 9.30am to 2.30pm at Kalamunda Uniting Church, Heath Rd, Kalamunda.
Margaret River Uniting Church invites you to join them for a shared time of soup and stories to celebrate Refugee Week on Sunday 30 June, 11.30am. The theme for Refugee Week this year is Finding Freedom: Family.
St Andrew's Uniting Church are running a Kids Holiday Club from 9.00am to 12.00pm on Monday 1 July to Friday 5 July at 182 Bennett St, East Perth. The program is available for pre-primary to year 6 aged children.
Come along to Scarborough Uniting Church for the annual Rose Pruning demonstration by the Rose Society of WA on Saturday 6 July starting at 10.30am.
There will be free Devonshire Teas served from 10.00am.
A Safe Church Refresher Workshop is taking place on Saturday 6 July from 10.00am to 1.30pm at Merredin Uniting Church, 8 Fifth St, Merredin.