WA Synod 2024 – Saturday 14 September Highlights

Lay and ordained members elected from our Uniting Church WA congregations and faith communities of the Presbytery of Western Australia, eight schools and colleges and three agencies came together for fellowship, to discern, and to discuss issues of importance in the life of the Uniting Church in Australia, Western Australia, and the wider community. They gathered for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Synod of Western Australia on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2024 at Scotch College in Swanbourne.

Being With Jesus in Ministry

The 48th Synod of WA began with a worship service at Mount Pleasant Uniting Church led by the Moderator, Rev Dr Ian Tozer.

The Moderator’s theme for his 2023-2025 triennium is ‘Being with Jesus in Ministry’ and the service continued to expand on this theme, leading the church into the weekend meeting. You can read more about the Opening Worship service here.

Highlights of Synod 2024 – Saturday 14 September

Saturday morning of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Uniting Church Synod of WA began with a Welcome to Country by Rev Mark Kickett, National Chairperson of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC).

We were then welcomed to Scotch College by the college Principal, Dr Alec O’Connell. The Moderator, Rev Dr Ian Tozer also shared words of welcome.
Rev Craig Bosman, Rural Resource Minister with the Presbytery of WA, and Minister at Margaret River and Augusta Uniting Church congregations, led us in a devotion where he reflected on the prayerful practice of watchfulness.

After housekeeping formalities by the General Secretary, Rev Dr Andrew Williams, he spoke to his report, highlighting aspects including staffing changes, strategic directions, and shared that following the 17th Assembly in July this year, Western Australia has two new members on the Assembly Standing Committee. The Moderator, Rev Dr Ian Tozer followed with a presentation of their report. Ex-Moderator Susy Thomas, who took the Chair during the Moderator’s report, then led the people in prayer, giving thanks for their work.

This year we are delighted to be joined by the 17th President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Rev Charissa Suli and the Assembly General Secretary (Interim) Lindsay Cullen. After introductions and gifts with Rev Dr Andrew Williams, the Assembly Report was presented by Lindsay Cullen. Rev Charissa Suli followed with an update on her time so far (8 weeks!) as President.
After some further business we welcomed the time to break for lunch and enjoy the opportunity for nourishment and fellowship.

Our Saturday afternoon session began with a bible study presented by Rev Rob Douglas, reflecting on Mark 9:33-39 ‘Who is the Greatest?’. Rob encouraged table group discussion during this session as we reflected on the challenges presented in his study.

We then moved into the next business session. Alison Xamon, Chairperson of the Presbytery of WA, spoke to the Presbytery report.
We heard presentations from the International Partnerships and Development Commission (IPDC) given by the IPDC Chair Kerry Povey. The Social Justice Commission report followed, presented by Rev Dr Elaine Ledgerwood. Elaine expanded on the vision of the newly formed Justice Hive that the Social Justice Commission hope will enable further engagement in social justice action and activity across the Synod.
We were presented with the Synod Budget 2025 by David Beards, who then followed to facilitating an interactive session on Key Strategic Priorities for the WA Synod and Presbytery.

We paused in the late afternoon for a Service of Recognition, for Ministers who have retired, and remembering Ministers who have died. The service was led by our Moderator.

Our final item of business before dinner was a service recognising and celebrating the legacy of Perth Theological Hall, and introducing the newly named Uniting Centre for Education and Formation. During this time there was a slide show looking back on the history of Perth Theological Hall. People were then invited to write on strips of paper made available on the tables – to write on one side words that describe their memories or the legacy of PTH and on the other side to write their hopes for the new Centre. The strips were then joined in a mobius chain, representing the hopes for continuing the legacy of Perth Theological Hall in a different way with the Uniting Centre for Education and Formation.
The session concluded with the presentation of a Completion of Studies Certificate to Susan Lord, by the UCA President Rev Charissa Suli.

Saturday Evening – Covenant with Congress

Our Saturday evening Session at the 48th Annual Synod of WA was an opportunity to focus and reflect on our Covenant with Congress.

We began with a report by Alison Xamon on behalf of the Covenanting Commission. Alison then introduced Rev Mark Kickett and Alison Overeem.
We were blessed to have the National Chair of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) Rev Mark Kickett, and Alison Overeem from the National Executive of UAICC being a part of our Synod gathering this year.

Mark called on the Synod to Revive the Covenant. He reminded us that:

“The Covenant helps to express the relationship we have as one church. It expresses a determination and a desire for the people of God, both black and white, and everyone else that comes in thereafter, to be committed to one journey and it’s a journey of justice, and a journey of oneness, with a common goal.”

Mark guided us through a brief history of the formation of UAICC, and of the Covenant with the Uniting Church in Australia which is now marking its 30 year anniversary. He also shared about the decisions of the 17th Assembly held in July this year.

Alison Overeem spoke about the importance of the Covenant in the life of the church, that Covenanting is about relationships and about shared stories. Alison shared stories of Covenanting in local communities.

We were then invited to share on our tables what we as a Synod and in our congregations and communities might be able to do to demonstrate our commitment to the Covenant.

To conclude our evening, Rev Mark Kickett led us in a closing devotion and prayer to send us on our way.

Article by Wendy Hendry, Executive Officer: Communications

Photos by Wendy Hendry and Mahshid Zadeh.

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