A new Billabong for Piara Waters
The Billabong Uniting Church’s mission is to be disciples who make disciples. After many years of prayerful consideration, the congregation decided to embark on a church plant project to carry out that mission, in a region which currently has minimal Christian or church presence.
The late Tim Keller, who’s work on church planting was part of what helped the congregation understand the ‘why’ of doing this project said, “A vigorous and continuous approach to church planting is the only way to guarantee an increase in the number of believers, and is one of the best ways to renew the whole body of Christ.” (From the online article ‘Why Plant Churches?’, Redeemer City to City – redeemercitytocity.com)
Piara Waters and neighbouring suburb Harrisdale have an approximate population of 30,000 between them. They share one main shopping centre, two large high schools and several primary schools. This is a growing area with many families, and with only one church in the area at the time was considered a good place to establish a new church community.
Planning and development for the Piara Waters project has been underway by The Billabong Uniting Church since early 2023, with the new worshipping community launching in October 2023 with the Commissioning of Cameron Harries as Pastor. The congregation had a vision for a new worshipping community in the Piara Waters region that will be present and active in the local community, enable discipleship, and be sustainable and growing by 2026.
Over the last year The Billabong Piara Waters worshipping community have meeting in various locations, including parks and community centres, with no permanent or secure place to gather on a regular basis. They have recently found what they hope to be a longer term arrangement with the Piara Waters Pavillion and Library precinct, allowing for regular worship and community gatherings. This new location allows for a variety of gathering spaces and room for the community to grow.
It’s also a great visible venue, near the local shops and just off the main road. Being placed in the local community will also enable opportunity for local engagement.
Currently they run community meals once a month on a Sunday in a local park. In the future the plans are to run other community activities such as a playgroup, likely in the same precinct as their services (in the library or the pavilion).
Earlier this year The Billabong applied for, and have received approval for, a Uniting Church WA Future Mission Fund grant to assist the congregation to continue and progress this project in 2025 and 2026. The grant will support the project over the next two years as they meet and overcome financial challenges of such an undertaking.
Future Mission Fund
The Future Mission Fund was established by a decision of the 47th Annual Synod of WA in 2023. The purpose of the Fund is to provide funding to congregations and other councils of the church so that they may engage in new mission projects. Grants from the Future Mission Fund shall both “fund a project which is fully consistent in its nature with the agreed strategic directions of the Church in WA” and “fulfil or enhance the purposes … or mission of the Church.”
The Billabong Uniting Church, Piara Waters church plant is the first Future Mission Fund project to be approved by the Mission Resourcing Committee. You can find out more about Future Mission Fund grants here.
Article by Wendy Hendry, first published in the December 2024 edition of Revive magazine.