December Revive Out Now!

In this edition we’re exploring the theme of Intergenerational Ministry. We’ve featured stories from churches who are finding ways to engage in this area of ministry with their congregations and community, bringing young people together with the older generations in meaningful ways in the life of their church.

You will find an introduction to the themes of Summer Spirit 2025, a reflection on prayer, and other stories from around our diverse church. You will also read about the work of our agencies, including some of the ways they are partnering with our congregations and schools.

We also have some Christmas reflections from our national Uniting Church agencies, UnitingWorld and Frontier Services.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our 2024 Revive magazines. We love reading your stories so please keep sharing them with us! A big thanks also to our wonderful and generous team of volunteers who help us pack and distribute Revive each edition.

Many of you will be reading this as you, and your congregations and communities, prepare for Christmas. Amidst the rush and noise of the festive season, may you find moments of quiet to reflect on the powerful message of hope—a hope that comes to us humbly in the form of a child in a manger, reminding us of love’s gentle strength and the light it brings into the world.

Every blessings and much joy to you all this Christmas.

grace and peace,

Wendy Hendry, Editor.

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