Quiz Night a Great Success

The Black Pearl Network (BPN) is overseen by a charitable organisation, the Creative Living Centre, and is a project of local WA Uniting Churches under the supervision of the IPDC, Uniting Church Synod of WA. The BPN has worked alongside our indigenous Papuan partners in the Papuan provinces of Indonesia since 2008.

The quiz night was a great success! Above all else it was great fun and gave a lot of people (128 + workers) in our Uniting Church community a chance to get together for a fun social event.

Our on-line purchased trophy turned out to have shrunk in the post but the winning table, made up of four from Floreat Uniting Church and four from NorthWay Uniting Church and named the ‘The Fab Team’, were delighted to have won it!

Our MC for the evening, Deborah Marshall, was a wonderful host who kept the questions coming and the high spirits rolling along.

It was fantastic to see such a good response from such a wide range of congregations. Tables were made up of representatives from NorthWay, Billabong, Mt Pleasant, Leeming, Star Street, Wembley Downs, Trinity North and Floreat Uniting Church congregations, plus a few more. We are hopeful that this will become a regular fun-filled annual event where Uniting Church WA people can set aside their working persona and just enjoy the fellowship of a great crowd of wonderful people.

Of course, the fact that the night raised over $3,000 for the Black Pearl Network projects was a great reward for all the hard work put in by the organising committee.

Thanks to All Saints Floreat Uniting Church for hosting, the organising committee, and to everyone who participated and gave so generously.

Thanks to Lee-Anne Burnett, member of IPDC, for contributing to this story.

Find out more:

International Partnerships and Development Commission

Black Pearl Network – information flyer

BPEC Student Sponsorship – information flyer

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