The Uniting Church stands alongside those at the fringe of society, the poor, the marginalised and the oppressed. The Uniting Church WA Social Justice Commission has a commitment to solidarity and advocacy. The Commission helps resource the Church to engage in public issues and debates within the wider community, to address issues of social concern and to take action where appropriate.
As part of their resourcing role, every election year the Social Justice Commission seeks to inform the Uniting Church community of issues they see as important to consider when voting.
Our Vision for a Just Australia
The Uniting Church in Australia resource Our Vision for a Just Australia states:
“We see a nation where each person and all creation can flourish and enjoy abundant life.
The Uniting Church in Australia believes the whole world is God’s good creation. Each person is made in God’s image and is deeply loved by God. In Jesus, God is calling us to be co-workers in the reconciliation and renewal of the whole creation.
Our vision, grounded in the life and mission of Jesus, is for a nation which:
- is characterised by love for one another, of peace with justice, of healing and reconciliation, of welcome and inclusion.
- recognises the equality and dignity of each person.
- recognises coexistent sovereignty of First Peoples, has enshrined a First Nations voice and is committed to truth telling about our history.
- takes seriously our responsibility to care for the whole of creation.
- is outward looking, a generous and compassionate contributor to a just world.”
About the Resources
As Christians, we have a responsibility to think about how we engage in the democratic process when we cast our vote in March 2025. Decisions we make affect not only us, but our Western Australian community.
The resource is non-party political, wishing to move beyond the slogans and look to the heart of the issues.
The material is intended to help the community identify important issues facing Western Australia, listen to politicians and political parties with discernment, and cast an informed vote.
The Commission have identified seven topic areas to focus on, with printable resource sheets for you to download (click on each heading for the individual resource sheet):
- Justice Reinvestment
- Disability
- Loneliness and Social Isolation
- Mental Health
- Housing and Homelessness
- Climate Justice
- Domestic and Family Violence
Our hope for these resources is to assist our Uniting Church WA community to:
- Be informed
- Be inspired to find out more
- Follow the topics up with candidates standing for election
- Share and discuss with others in your church and community.
Click on the subject list for individual resource sheets, or download the full resource collection below:
You can also download summary posters for your congregation or community here:
Special thanks to the members of the WA Synod Social Justice Commission, and other guest contributors who helped create these resources. To find out more about the Social Justice advocacy of the Uniting Church WA go to our Social Impact section.