Social Justice Commission
The Social Justice Commission (SJC) is appointed by the Synod to uphold the church’s commitment to work for reconciliation, justice and peace, to address issues of social concern and to take action wherever possible.
The Commission does this in practical ways by identifying issues, undertaking research, conducting advocacy, developing resources, organising events and promoting awareness.
Covenanting Commission
The Covenanting Commission strives to keep the Church in close connection with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (WA Regional Council). The Commission provides an interaction between the work of the Congress, the Synod and Presbytery. They encourage and assist congregations, agencies and other activities of the Uniting Church to be involved in the ministry of reconciliation between Aboriginal and Islander people and the other parts of the Uniting Church and the community.
You can read more about the Covenant relationship in the Covenanting Statement, 7th Assembly, 10 July 1994.
International Partnerships and Development Commission (IPDC)
The IPDC supports the international work of our congregations. As a church we are connected to a network of partner churches around Asia and the Pacific. They do some amazing and valuable work in their communities to address poverty and injustice. See our International Partnerships page.