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Places of Worship:
Country Women's Association Hall
67 Johnston Street,
Kulin WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: ldmalewis@bigpond.com
Office contact: (08) 9880 1303

Places of Worship:
Bullcreek Leeming Scout Hall
Bob Gordon Reserve, 10 Benningfield Road,
Bullcreek WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: leeminguc@iinet.net.au
Office phone 1: (08) 9332 9322
Office phone 2: 0415 925 158

Places of Worship:
Lighthouse Church
47 Shenton Street,
Geraldton WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email 1: office@lighthousegeraldton.com
Office email 2: finance@lighthousegeraldton.com
Office phone: (08) 9964 4169

Places of Worship:
Lockyer Uniting Church
Cnr McKeown Ave and Tounsend Street,
Lockyer WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email 1: unitingchurchalbany@gmail.com
Office email 2: anneh@iinet.net.au
Office Phone: 0428 752 010

Places of Worship:
Maaman “O” Miya Uniting Church
Corner Mamillius Street and Waverley Road,
Coolbellup WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: mpcworks@bigpond.com
Office phone: 0412 806 074

Places of Worship:
Mandurah Uniting Church
156 Pinjarra Road,
Mandurah WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email 1: info@mandurah.unitingchurch.org.au
Office email 2: crichrds@iinet.net.au
Office phone: (08) 9581 1743

Places of Worship:
Margaret River Uniting Church
60 Tingle Avenue,
Margaret River WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: unitingchurch.mr@bigpond.com
Office phone: (08) 9757 3686

Places of Worship:
Maylands/Mount Lawley Uniting Church
167 Railway Parade,
Mount Lawley WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email 1: maylands.mtlawleyuca@gmail.com
Office phone: (08) 9272 3253

Places of Worship:
Merredin Uniting Church
6 Fifth Street,
Merredin WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Chairperson - Steve Higgins : snthiggins@activ8.net.au
Secretary - Bob French: robert.french1@bigpond.com
Chairperson - Steve Higgins: 0473 231 928
Secretary - Bob French: 0428 125 613

Places of Worship:
Moora Uniting Church
28 Padbury Street,
Moora WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office phone: (08) 9652 9016

Places of Worship:
Mount Pleasant Uniting Church
1 Coomoora Road,
Mount Pleasant WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: mtpleasantucwa@gmail.com
Office phone: (08) 9316 3161

Places of Worship:
120 Stoneville Road,
Mundaring WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Congregation Contact: (08) 9298 8389