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Places of Worship:
GKI Perth Uniting Church
2a Willis Street,
Mosman Park WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: secretary@gkiperth.org.au
Office contact: (08) 9337 8878
Preferred contact: 0412 630 470

Places of Worship:
Glen Forrest Uniting Church
56 McGlew Road,
Glen Forrest WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: glenforrestunitingchurch@gmail.com
Office phone: 0477 535 307

Places of Worship:
Gosnells Uniting Church
Corner Hicks and Bert Streets,
Gosnells WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: lucyville@iinet.net.au
Office phone: 0424054171

Places of Worship:
Guildford Wesley Chapel
91 James Street,
Guildford WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: jwhiteford69@gmail.com
Office email: ascook47@hotmail.com
Office phone 1: 0432 914 876
Office phone 2: (08) 9378 6321

Places of Worship:
All Saints Anglican Church
15 Lynch Street,
Hyden WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: djives@wn.com.au
Office phone: (08) 9888 6018

Places of Worship:
Kalamunda Uniting Church
7 Heath Road,
Kalamunda WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: kalaucoffice@iinet.net.au
Rev Lizares: sophia.lizares@gmail.com
Online worship: kalaucoffice@iinet.net.au
Office phone: (08) 9257 1154
Rev Lizares: 0409 804 558

Places of Worship:
Kalgoorlie/Boulder Uniting Church
Corner Porter and Egan Streets,
Kalgoorlie WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: alison.hunter@education.wa.edu.au
Office phone: (08) 9021 2360

Places of Worship:
Kardinya Uniting Church
133 Le Souef Drive,
Kardinya WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: regbetty@bigpond.com
Office phone: (08) 9314 1507

Places of Worship:
Katanning Uniting Church
Taylor Street,
Katanning WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: normahersey@westnet.com.au
Office phone: (08) 9822 1521
Congregation Contact: 0427 221 521

Places of Worship:
Kellerberrin Uniting Church
61 Sewell Street,
Kellerberrin WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: valknott2@bigpond.com.au
Office phone: 0488 253 490

Places of Worship:
Kojonup Uniting Church
9 Spencer Street,
Kojonup WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email: arsrwatson@wn.com.au
Office phone: 0499983280

Places of Worship:
Korean Uniting Church
133 Le Souef Drive,
Kardinya WA
Congregation Contact(s):
Office email 1: david02jesus@gmail.com
Office email 2: kara1606@yahoo.com.au
Office phone: (08) 6261 0982