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The call to serve God in ministry is burning in you. What options are available to minister in the Uniting Church – and what’s your next step?
Candidating for Ministry
Period of Discernment
The first step for any person seeking to serve in ministry in the Uniting Church is to enter a Period of Discernment (POD). This time is exactly as it sounds – a time of listening to the guidance of the Spirit for the path ahead.
During your POD, a mentor will work closely with you to help you with this process, and you will also be supported and encouraged by the Candidates for Ministries Committee. You may also do some courses and learn more about the ethos of the Uniting Church as a whole.
UCA Ministries
A pastor has a heart for people and a desire to nurture them and help them understand Christ’s love. In the Uniting Church, a pastor serves for a limited period in specific and often unique ministries, such as Pastor Lindsay Ginn who tells his story about his work as a bush chaplain – Ministry Expo: Pastor (YouTube)
A Deacon is a person ordained to lifelong ministry to people on the margins. Deacons have a particular passion for being outward-looking and bringing their church and the local community together. Click on the video link to hear Rev Sophia Lizares share about what it means to her to be a Deacon in the Uniting Church – Exploring Ministry – Deacon (Vimeo)
Lay Preacher
Western Australia is a vast state with a diverse population. This means there often aren’t enough Ministers of the Word or Deacons to take God’s word to every congregation. Lay Preachers fill this incredibly valuable role. Download an information flyer about becoming a Lay Preacher here. You can hear John, a lay preacher in the Uniting Church, talk about this role as one of the specified ministries: Ministry Expo: Lay Preacher (YouTube)
Minister of the Word
A Minister of the Word is an ordained person in life-long ministry who has the privilege of proclaiming God’s word and leading the church as it reaches out to others. They work with the people in the congregation and encourage them – in all of their uniqueness – to grow and be God’s people.
To find out more about being a Minister of the Word, watch this video featuring Rev Lorraine Stokes: Ministry Expo: Ministry of the Word (YouTube)
Ministers from other Denominations
Are you a minister from another denomination who is considering joining the Uniting Church? Hear the story of Rev Hannes Halgryn, who made the transition to being a Uniting Church Minister of the Word after 26 years of ministry in another denomination – Ministry Expo: Changing Denominations (YouTube)
- Application Process – Candidate for Ordination
- Application to Candidate Form
- Period of Discernment Handbook
- Lay Preacher’s Handbook
We’d love to help you explore your ministry journey! Also, please check out our Called by Name booklet:
Want to know more?
If you would like to know more about a Period of Discernment or any of the ministries listed above, please email:
Candidates for Ministries Committee
E: [email protected]